My Darling Lucy Mae,
You are FOUR YEARS OLD. You are so happy to finally be 4, as you've been waiting for this since your friend Cormac turned 4 a few months ago. You are also desperate to start kindergarten, but I have (thankfully) convinced you to go to Runabouts preschool for another year. I wish you weren't in such a hurry to grow up, cause you are really a fun kid.
We've had lots of fun at the various water parks and fountains this summer. You also went swimming every wednesday with Deb and Allurah. You are one water loving kid!
We also went to a concert in the park with a bunch of friends where you got to have a blue shave ice. It was REALLY BLUE.
Auntie Keli came to visit. We went for a long walk in the park and saw 3 weddings, a Shakespeare play and lots of ducks.
You also decided to try writing your name. It was pretty awesome because you did it without much help. You are one smart cookie.
You asked for a hair cut, but were too scared to go to the salon because it was too noisy. I tried to explain that having ME, an untrained person cut your hair would be much scarier but you insisted. Thankfully it turned out ok, because you kept telling me where to cut and how much to cut. When we were all done, you looked in the mirror and said "That's good enough." thanks for the vote of confidence!
Maybe you'll be a hair stylist when you grow up! You've already started practicing on Mabel, much to my chagrin.
You aren't one for wearing dresses, but one day I put Mabel in a dress and (since you love matching with your sisters) you wanted to put on one too... and then Ruby followed suit! I am pretty sure this is the only time all three of you have been wearing dresses (other than Kelcie's wedding). I doubt it'll ever happen again since none of you seem to be dress kinda kids.
We went to our family reunion at Belknap Springs. The last time we were here was 6 months before you were conceived, but Ruby remembered it and couldn't wait to show you around. We brought bikes and you guys biked around camp several times a day. We also brought frisbees, which you adorably call a 'crispee'. I hope you never stop calling it that.
You loved the secret garden, you looked for frogs and flowers and tadpoles.
You hiked there with your Nana and Grandpa, and of course your baby sister Mabel.
You became BFF with your second cousin Brady. He's 16, and you think he's the bees knees. If he liked orange, so did you. If he liked chicken, well you LOVE chicken. You played go fish together and would just talk and talk and talk. Once we came home you talked about him ALL THE TIME, and even FaceTimed with him on his birthday.
Ruby came to Runabouts summer camp this month. You were SO excited to do camp with your big sister. Melissa said you two were inseparable. Unlike at home, you didn't fight at all while you were at camp.
You two are best friends most of the time, until one of you pisses off the other and then you fight like cats and dogs.
We went to a mermaid parade, that turned into an hour in the fountain, that turned into a spontaneous pirate battle with the Pirates of Portland. You didn't think the pirates were as cool as Ruby and Lily did, but you loved the fountain!
We went to the Montavilla Street Fair again this year. Your favorite parts were the hula hooping and shave ice, naturally.
We went to a play at a theater not too far from home. You decided to wear a costume because the play was about Thumbelina (who turns out to be a fairy). It was pretty cute to see two fairies scootering down the road. Several people driving by thought so too and rolled down their windows to tell you how awesome you were.
We try to get outside for a walk every day, or a bike ride. Sometimes we are all crabby, and walking to the cafe for pie is just the answer.
YOU HAD A TRAIN BIRTHDAY PARTY! You've been talking about having a train party for a LONG time, and you never wavered on it, so we went for it, and it was SUPER FUN.
Everyone got a train had and bandana.
You were the cutest train conductor at the party!
Every night leading up to your birthday you would snuggle up to me at bedtime and instead of reading a book, you would ask to look at pictures of train cakes on pinterest, and would tell me which ones to make. Little did you know my cake baking skills aren't that fancy.
We had a train photo booth, here you are with your friend Oz.
Your Nana made a cool game called 'feed engine #4" and you threw coal shaped bean bags into a train. It was a huge hit.
We also played 'pin the train on the track' and everyone (even Mabel and Flannery!) had a blast.
Here you are with Cormac and Elsa.
You are my favorite 4 year old in the whole wide world.
We went bowling! You and Ruby bowled together every time, and you cheered each other on. It was really sweet.
Every time you would miss, or not knock down a lot of pins you would shout, "COME ON, MAN!"
You're like 3 steps away from being an old man playing bocce balls. I just love you so much.
Then the lights went off and it was disco time!
Deb bought you a game of Twister for your birthday. You guys think it's hilarious. I think it's a ticket to a broken back for me.
Oh my dear sweet Lucy Mae, you are learning so much and doing so many new things it's hard to keep up with you. You've learned to dribble a ball, bounce and catch, and throw/catch two balls at one time with a buddy. (which is not easy when I'm the buddy!) You do flips on the bars and have figured out how to get your legs over the bar. You have not yet let go of the bar, but I suspect that will be soon. You ride your bike fast but still follow all the rules and you really do loving riding your bike.
One of the sweetest things you've been doing lately is when we wake up in the morning you look at me and say "Oh mama, I love you SO much" It's never a bad way to start the day, being filled up with love. Another one of your adorable tricks is to say "I want to speak into your ear!" and then you whisper with your ear next to my ear, so I can't really understand what you are saying. I'm pretty sure it's either about McKay or Brady or how much you love your sisters.
Four is sweetness and love and funny stories. It's fantastic ideas and silly jokes and big hugs. It's also MAD and indignant and demanding. Four sometimes slams the door, then opens it and slams it a few more times just to get your point across. You are certainly a FIRE sign, and I understand you oh so well, as I am too. But as your mama, I am still learning how to navigate this time without destroying your fire and your spirit, but just guiding you to be a slightly more gentle sister and friend.
Lucy, you have brought so much joy into our family. You can be so kind and loving and generous, and you are funny and thoughtful and goofy. This is going to be one helluva year, I can tell.
All my love, Mama