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June 20, 2011



Weep. Weep. Weep. From the video to the pictures to your beautiful words. Beautiful. Happy birthday Ruby. And happy birthday momma and daddy. Love you all.


Happy 5th Birthday to Ruby and Happy 5 Year Anniversary to you for becoming a Mother!


Happy Birthday, my precious Ruby! You have blessed our lives to no end. Being your Nana is the very best thing ever! You have brought so much joy to everyone who meets you and I know that no matter where I am, and wherever you are, you will be in my heart. All my love, ~ Nana


Happy Day, Mama! Happy Day Ruby!

Sarah Barker


Happy birthday, Ruby! How are they FIVE already?! It's so very big and yet there is so, so much more to come. Love you all!


Dear Sweet Ruby,
Happy, happy 5th birthday to the sweetest girl ever!! I miss you so much. I cherish every picture I see of you with your cheery smile and twinkling eyes!! I think about you every day. Love & kisses - Grandma

lady pumpkin

What a lucky mama. What a lucky Ruby. Love to all.


happy birthday!!! <3


tear (of joy of course!) Happy Birthday sweeeeeeet rad Ruby!!!!! Congrats to her beautiful wonderful awesome parents. :)


LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE this, my friend! LOOOOOOOOOOVE that first picture. LOVE IT.


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